회심 전에 가지고 있었던 웨슬리의 자기이해

by holyway posted Feb 25, 2015


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John Wesley's thoughts before his conversion

     회심 전에 가지고 있었던 웨슬리의 자기이해




John Wesley was born on June 17 1703 in Epworth, Lincolnshire.  웨슬리는 1703 7 링컨셔의 엡워스라는 곳에서 태어났다. It was on May 24 1738 that Wesley received assurance of salvation in a momentous experience of conversion. It lit the fire of evangelistic zeal in his heart which continued until his death in 1791. 웨슬리가 회심의 경험을 통해서 구원의 확신에 이르게  것은 1738 524이었다.  경험은 1791 그가 죽을 때까지 그의 가슴에 복음전도의 열정을 불붙어 있게 하였다.


Before his conversion, he had met Peter Bohler, a Moravian missionary, and had been convinced by him that salvation is by faith alone. 그가 회심하기 전에 그는 모라비안계통의 선교사였던 피터 뵐러를 만나서 구원이란 오직 믿음에 의해서만 주어지는 것임을 확신하게 되었다. It is interesting to read two letters John Wesley wrote just prior to his Aldersgate experience. 회심을 체험한 알더스게이트 사건 바로 직전에 웨슬리가 보냈던  통의 편지를 읽어보면 흥미로운 사실을 접하게 된다. The first is to William Law, who for 12 years had been his mentor and whose Serious Call and Christian Perfection he had previously studied avidly. 첫번째 것은 윌리엄 로에게 보낸 것인데, 로는 12 동안 웨슬리의 영적 지도자였었고 로의 , <진지한 요청과 기독교인의 완전 Serious Call and Christian Perfection>이라는 책을 웨슬리는 열심히 탐독하였었다. The second is to an unidentified friend, who, like Wesley, was seeking salvation. 둘째 편지는 신원불명의  친구에게 보내는 것인데,  친구는 웨슬리처럼 구원을 추구하는 구도자이다.



역주: 윌리엄 로는 알미니안주의신학을 가지고 있는 자로서 기독교인의 경건생활을 위해서  그의 저작은 거의 고전처럼 여겨지고 있습니다. 그런데, 아래의 편지를 보면 윌리엄 로의 책의 문제점을 너무나도 신랄하게 통박하고 있는 것을 발견하게 됩니다. 한국교회에서는 비판없이 윌리엄 로의 책이 추천되고 있는 것을 고려할  이런 편지의 공개는 참으로 의의가 있다고 생각됩니다. 그리고, 윌리엄 로에게 요한 웨슬리가 편지를 보낸 싯점은 바로그가 회심을 경험하기 바로 10 입니다. 그리고 무명의  친구에게 보낸 편지는 바로 회심하는 당일 오전중 보낸 것으로 보입니다.


이런 자료들을 통해서 나의 영혼의 상태를 분별할  있게 되기를 기도합니다.

1. To William Law/ 윌리엄 로에게
[London, May 14 1738]



Reverend Sir, 존경하는 선생님에게,


It is in obedience to what I think to be the call of God that I, who have the sentence of death in my own soul, take upon me to write to you, of whom I have often desired to learn the first elements of the gospel of Christ. 영혼의 사망선고를 받은 저로서 선생님에게 편지를 쓰는 것은 하나님의 명령이라고 제가 생각하는 것에 순종하는 것입니다. 선생님에게서 저는 그리스도의 복음의 첫째 요소를 배우기를 때때로 소망해 왔었기 때문입니다.


If you are born of God, you will approve of the design, though it may be but weakly executed. If not, I shall grieve for you, not for myself. For as I seek not the praise of men, neither regard I the contempt either of you or of any other.선생님께서 만약 하나님께로부터 태어나셨다면 그렇게 태어나게 하신 계획을 또한 인정하시게  것입니다.  계획이 비록 아주 미세하게 실시되는 것이라고 하더라도 말입니다. 만약 하나님께로부터 태어나지 않으셨다면 저는 선생님을 위해서, 저를 위해서가 아니라, 탄식할 것입니다. 왜냐하면 저는 사람의 칭찬을 구하고 있는 것이 아니고 또한 선생님께서 저를 모욕하시든, 다른 어느 누구가 모욕하든 개의치 않을 것이기 때문입니다.


For two years (more especially) I have been preaching after the model of your two practical treatises; and all who heard have allowed that the law is great, wonderful and holy. But no sooner did they attempt to fulfil it, but they found that it is too high for man, and that by doing 'the works of the law shall no flesh living be justified'. 저는 (더욱 특별하게) 최근 2 동안 선생님께서 제안하신 실제적인 모델에 따라서 설교를  왔습니다; 그리고  설교를 들은 모든사람들은 율법이란 위대하고 기묘하며 거룩한 것임을 인정하였습니다. 하지만, 그들이  율법을 성취하려고 애쓰자 마자 그것은 사람들이 성취하기에는 너무 고상한 것과 율법의 행위를 따라서는 어떤 육체도 의롭게   없다사실을 깨닫게 되었습니다.


To remedy this, I exhorted them, and stirred up myself, to pray earnestly for the grace of God, and to use all the other means of obtaining that grace which the all-wise God hath appointed. But still, both they and I were more and more convinced that this is a law by which a man cannot live; the law in our members continually warring against it, and bringing us into deeper captivity to the law of sin. 이런 문제점을 수정하기 위해서 저는 그들에게 또한  자신에게 하나님의 자비를 열심으로 구하여야 하고 또한  은혜를 얻을  있도록 전지하신 하나님께서 지명해 놓으신 모든 방편들을 사용하도록 권면하였고 또한  자신도 그렇게 실행하였습니다.


Under this heavy yoke I might have groaned till death, had not an holy man, to whom God lately directed me, upon my complaining thereof, answered at once: 'Believe, and thou shalt be saved. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ with all thy heart, and nothing shall be impossible to thee. This faith, indeed, as well as the salvation it brings, is the free gift of God. But seek, and thou shalt find. Strip thyself naked of thy own works and thy own righteousness, and fly to Him. For whosoever cometh unto Him, He will in no wise cast out.' 만약 하나님께서 저에게 인도해 주신 거룩한 어떤 분이 없었더라면 저는  무거운 멍에 아래에서 죽을 때까지 신음할  했었습니다.  분은 제가 갖고 있는 의문에 대해서 이렇게 답변하셨습니다: “믿으라, 그리하면 구원을 얻으리라. 너의 마음을 다해서 진심으로  예수 그리스도를 믿으라. 그리하면 어떤 일도 너에게 불가능하지 않을 것이다.  믿음이 구원에 이르게  뿐만 아니라 또한 하나님의 값없으신 선물이다. 하지만 구하라, 그러면 찾을 것이다. 너의 모든 행위와  자신의 의로움을 벗어제쳐 버리고  분에게로 도망하라.  분에게로 가는 자마다 거절당하지 않을 것이다.”  


Now, sir, suffer me to ask: How will you answer it to our common Lord that you never gave me this advice? 이제, 선생님, 질문드리는 것을 용서해 주십시오.선생님께서 저에게 이런 조언을 전혀 주시지 않았다는 것을 우리들의 주가되시는 분에게 어떻게 설명하실 수가 있겠습니까?  Did you never read the Acts of the Apostles, or the answer of Paul to him who said, 'What must I do to be saved?' Or are you wiser than he? 선생님께서는 사도행전에 나오는 어찌하여야 구원을 얻으리이까?”라는 간수의 질문에 사도바울이  답변을 읽어보지 않으셨나요?  Why did I scarce ever hear you name the name of Christ?  저는 선생님의 글에서 그리스도의 이름을 듣는 것조차 드문 것일까요?never, so as to ground anything upon 'faith in His blood'? 그의 피를 믿는 믿음 근거한 어떤 것을 기초하는 것으로서 언급하신  말입니다. Who is this who is laying another foundation? 다른 기초를 놓고 있는 선생님은 도대체누구십니까?  If you say you advised other things as preparatory to this, what is this but laying a foundation below the foundation? 이런 믿음에 이르게 하기 위해서 준비되어야  것들을 선생님께서 말씀하셨던 것이라고 하신다면 기초 아래에 놓여져야  참된 기초 외에 준비되어야  것이 무엇이란 말입니까? Is not Christ, then, the first as well as the last? 마지막이 되실 뿐만 아니라 처음되시는 분이 바로 그리스도가 아니던가요? If you say you advised them because you knew that I had faith already, verily you knew nothing of me; you discerned not my spirit at all. 만약 제가 믿음이 있는 줄을 선생님께서 미리 아시고 그런 조언들을 하셨다고 하신다면 선생님께서는 저에 대해서전혀 모르고 계셨습니다. 저의 영혼의 상태를 전혀 분별하지 못하셨던 것입니다. I know that I had not faith, unless the faith of a devil, the faith of Judas, that speculative, notional, airy shadow, which lives in the head, not in the heart.  저는 믿음이 전혀 없었더랬습니다. 믿음이 있었다면 단지 마귀도 가질  있는 믿음, 유다의 믿음,  사변적이고 관념적이며 공중에 그림자일 뿐인,  머리 속에만 있지 마음에는 없는 그런 믿음이었을 뿐입니다. But what is this to the living, justifying faith in the blood of Jesus? the faith that cleanseth from sin, that gives us to have free access to the Father, to 'rejoice in hope of the glory of God', to have 'the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost' which dwelleth in us, and 'the Spirit itself bearing witness with our spirit that we are the children of God'? 하지만, 예수의 보혈을 믿는 구원에 이르게 하는  믿음이 도대체 무엇이란 말입니까? 죄를 씻어주고, 아버지에게 자유롭게 나아갈  있는 믿음, 하나님의 영광의 소망 가운데서 즐거워하는 믿음, 우리 안에 거하시는 성령에 의하여 우리 마음에 비춰진 하나님의 사랑을 가지게 되는 믿음, 우리들이 하나님의 자녀들임을 성령  분께서 우리 영과 더불어서 증거하는 그런 믿음은 도대체 어떤 것이란 말입니까?


I beseech you, sir, by the mercies of God, to consider deeply and impartially, whether the true reason of your never pressing this upon me was not this - that you had it not yourself; whether that man of God was not in the right who gave this account of a late interview he had with you - 'I began speaking to him of faith in Christ: he was silent. 하나님의 자비하심에 의지해서 선생님에게 간절히 부탁드립니다. 선생님께서 저에게  번도 이런 조언을 해주시지 않은 참된 이유가 선생님께서 전혀 그런 것을 모르셨던 것은 아닌지, 선생님과 대담을 나눴던 어떤 하나님의 사람이 선생님과 그리스도에 대한 믿음을 말하기 시작하자 선생님께서는 침묵만 하셨다  내용을 전하고 있는 것을 과연 진실되지 않은 것인지를 참으로 깊히 그리고 공정하게 살펴보시기를 바랍니다. Then he began to speak of Mystical matters. 그리고  사람은 신비한 일을 말하기 시작했습니다. I spake to him of faith in Christ again: he was silent. 제가  사람에게 그리스도에 대해서 다시 말하기 시작하자 이제는  사람이 침묵하였던 것입니다. Then he began to speak of Mystical matters again. 그는 저에게 신비한 일들을 다시 말하기 시작했습니다. I saw his state at once.' And a very dangerous one in his judgement, whom I know to have the Spirit of God. 저는 당장에 그의 상태를 간파할  있었습니다. 그가 보기에는 아주 위험한 일이겠지만, 제가 보기로는 그렇게 간파하는 것이야말로 하나님의 영을 가지고 있는 것입니다.


Once more, sir, let me beg you to consider whether your extreme roughness, and morose and sour behaviour, at least on many occasions, can possibly be the fruit of a living faith in Christ. If not, may the God of peace and love fill up what is yet wanting in you! - I am, reverend sir,    선생님께 간청합니다. 여러 경우에 보여주시는 선생님의  극단적으로 거친 행동, 그리고 우울함과 매서운 행동이 그리스도를 진정으로 믿는 살아있는 신앙의 열매들이라고   있는 것인지를 살펴보시기 바랍니다. 만약 그런 열매들이 아니라면, 선생님 안에 여전히 부족하기만  것들을 평강과 사랑의 하나님께서 채워주실  있기를 기원합니다. 저는, 존경하는 선생님, .


Your humble servant 
선생님의 비천한 종일 뿐입니다.



2. To a friend 친구에게
[London, May 24 1738]


Oh why is it that so great, so wise, so holy a God will use such an instrument as me! Lord, 'let the dead bury their dead'! But wilt Thou send the dead to raise the dead? Yea, Thou sendest whom Thou wilt send, and showest mercy by whom Thou wilt show mercy! Amen! Be it, then, according to Thy will! If Thou speak the word, Judas shall cast out devils.  위대하시고 지혜로우시며 거룩하신 하나님께서  같은 자를 도구로 삼으시는 것일까!  주님, “죽은 자로 하여금 죽은 자들을 장사하게 하소서!” 하지만 주님, 주님께서는 죽은 자를 일으키시기 위하여 죽은 자를 보내시겠습니까? 주님께서는 보낼 자를 보내십니다. 그리고 자비를 나타내실 자들에게 자비를 보여주십니다. 아멘!그러면 오직 주님께서 원하시는 대로만 될지어다. 만약 주님께서 원하시기만 하셨다면 유다도 귀신들을 쫓아낼 것입니다.


I feel what you say (though not enough), for I am under the same condemnation. I see that the whole law of God is holy, just, and good. I know every thought, every temper of my soul ought to bear God's image and superscription. But how am I fallen from the glory of God! I feel that 'I am sold under sin'. I know that I, too, deserve nothing but wrath, being full of all abominations, and having no good thing in me to atone for them or to remove the wrath of God.(충분하지는 않지만) 나는 네가 말한 것을 느끼고 있단다. 왜냐하면 나도 너와 같은 저주의 상태에 떨어져 있기 때문이야. 하나님의 모든 율법은 거룩한 것이고 의롭고 또한 선한 것임을 알고 있어.  영혼의 모든 생각과 기질들이 하나님의 형상과 계명을 드러내어야 하는 줄을 알고 있거든. 하지만 나는 얼마나 하나님의 영광에서 멀어져 있는가!  나는 죄아래 팔렸다 느껴. 나도 또한 저주받을  밖에 없는 존재임을 알고 있어. 저주받을 것들로 넘치는데 그것들을 처리할 만한 , 하나님의 진노로부터 피할 어떤 선한 것이  안에는 전혀 없단 말이야.


All my works, my righteousness, my prayers need an atonement for themselves. So that my mouth is stopped. I have nothing to plead. God is holy; I am unholy. God is a consuming fire; I am altogether a sinner, meet to be consumed. 나의 모든 행위, 나의 , 나의 기도는 그것들 자체가 하나의 구원을 필요로 하는 것들이야.  입술로는  말이 없어. 무엇도 탄원할 만한 것이 없어. 하나님께서는 거룩하신데, 나는 불결해. 하나님께서는 소멸하시는 불길이신데, 나는 전적으로 죄인이야, 소멸당하기에  맞는 그런 죄인이란 말이야.


Yet I hear a voice (and is it not the voice of God?) saying, 'Believe, and thou shalt be saved. He that believeth is passed from death unto life. God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' 하지만 나는  목소리를 듣고 있어(이게 하나님의 목소리가 아닐까?)  소리는 나에게 말하기를, “믿으라 그리하면 구원을 얻으리라. 믿는 자는 사망에서 생명으로 옮겼느니라. 하나님께서 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 그의 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 저를 믿는 자마다 멸망치 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라.”


Oh let no one deceive us by vain words, as if we had already attained this faith! By its fruits we shall know. Do we already feel 'peace with God' and 'joy in the Holy Ghost'? Does 'His Spirit bear witness with our spirit that we are the children of God'? Alas! with mine He does not. Nor, I fear, with yours. O Thou Saviour of men, save us from trusting in anything but Thee! Draw us after Thee! Let us be emptied of ourselves, and then fill us with all peace and joy in believing; and let nothing separate us from Thy love, in time or in eternity! 헛된 말로 속임을 당하지 말자구나. 이런 믿음을 이미 우리가 가지고 있는 것처럼 말이야.  열매로 우리가 안다고 하지 않니. 이미 하나님과 더불어 누리는화평 성령 안에서 기뻐하는 기쁨 느끼고 있는가? “그의 성령이 우리가 하나님의 자녀임을 우리 영과 더불어 증거하고 는가? 어쩌나! 나의 영과 더불어  분이 증거하고 계시는 것은 아닌데. 염려가 되는 것은, 너의 영과 더불어서도 그렇게 하지 않고 있쟎나. 인류의 구원자 되시는 주님이시여, 우리들을 오직 당신만 신뢰할  있도록 구원하소서! 우리들을 주께로 이끌어 주소서. 우리로 하여금 우리를 비우게 하시고 믿음 중에 평화와 기쁨으로 채워주소서, 그리고 우리로 하여금 어떤 것도 주의 사랑에서 우리를 나눠지지 않게 하소서.  생에건 영원 속에서이건!
